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The Global Country of World Peace was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as a consortium of educational organizations in more than 100 countries working to create a new era of peace, progress and prosperity in our world family. The Global Country of World Peace is a “nation without borders” promoting unity consciousness and the reduction of the narrow nationalism that divides humanity from humanity. It is a home for peace-loving people everywhere. The domain of the Global Country of World Peace is CONSCIOUSNESS—the prime mover of life—the ground state of Natural Law, the field of all possibilities. The Global Country of World Peace is a non-political, non-religious global organization and does not usurp any of the functions of existing governments, nor does it replace them in any way. The Global Country of World Peace takes a parental role towards every government. It will support and nourish the ideal for which all governments are structured—the maintenance of well-being and progress throughout society. The sole purpose of the Global Country of World Peace is to enliven consciousness, the field of all possibilities, and to create a time for the world family that is free from struggle and suffering and in which every individual will be enlightened, spontaneously functioning in accordance with all the Laws of Nature. The currency, Raam, is extremely difficult to source, having been issued in the past in the Netherlands, Canada and the USA.

Global Country of World Peace 1 Raam

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