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The idea of Kingston Pounds was conceived early in 2013 over a pint in a pub. The group, headed by Andrew Connolly and Peter Scherschel, continued their work over the next six years, gradually promoting, developing and building up the scheme. In 2014, a trial printed note was launched at the Surbiton Food Festival but the trial was not followed up. 
Later that year, the online app. was tested and developed, leading to a full launch during 2015. The agreement in November by Kingston Borough Council to accept business rate payments with the e-pound formed a watershed moment in the development of the currency. 
Although concepts were considered for a printed note during 2016, it was only in October 2018 that Kingston Pounds were launched to the public during a grand presentation at Kingston University. The notes were designed by Kingston University Graphics graduates Ella Hilton and Molly Dunne and include a wealth of interesting features. One of the concepts is that the note can be held up next to a well-known Kingston landmark and a photo taken with the building and the note. One half of the building will line up exactly with the note. The precise coordinates of where to stand to take such a photo are printed in the design. The notes are filled with a wealth of interesting details for users to find. 

Kingston 2018 K£1

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