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The Nazione Obscura (Dark Chaotic Nation) is a micronation of the "artistic" type, ie an "imaginary" nation created with parodistic and artistic intentions (to create a nation as an artistic gesture) and therefore satirical. The Nation (located in Torriglia and Livorno) functions as an association but with rules borrowed from those of a sovereign state (with the Constitution, Government, Passport, banknotes, etc., see below) and deals with: international politics and local interests ( for example the search for uninhabited villages in the territory of Torriglia). The Nation has its own government, Constitution, passport (first version of 2004, second version of 2009, third version of 2014), issues stamps annually, currency (the Avatär), has a flag and an anthem National (and has released a CD with several hymns), as well as other souvenirs.

Nazione Oscura Caotica 5 Avatar 2014

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