Here at Curious Banknotes, we will not be taking a holiday. All our little elves are scurrying off looking for new currency for you and although the postal services will be shut, we're still looking on the other end of our keyboard. However, from around the shores of Britain and the vast intergalactic empires of the assorted micronations, our hunters wish you a special time.
May Santa's sack be filled with first issue Totnes' and may the new year bring you early Elleore's.
Have a great holiday.
PS, so we're not breaking any copyrights, if you're interested in the Santa Dollar above, it can be bought on eBay here - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DOLLAR-BILL-25-MERRY-CHRISTMAS-SANTA-CLAUS-NOVELTY-MONEY/152093418312.